Friday, April 1, 2011

Building a Wi-Fi Hotspot with Windows 7

Want to make a hotspot in the house, guest house or even office and not have a wireless router? Do not worry if you have Windows 7 and your PC or laptop with a wireless adapter, you can use it to be wirelesss router. How can I you? Easy, first download the program here next Connectify author will explain how to use it.

Before discussing how to configure the application, the author wants a little review of how the program works. Connectify takes advantage of an excess of Windows 7, which is called Microsoft Virtual Miniport WiFi adapter. If you have a laptop or PC is equipped with a wireless network card Windows 7 will automatically create a virtual WiFi card as shown below. As the author knew about it when the author is still in beta Windows 7 also short meditation of "well if it can be used Microsoft Virtual Miniport WiFi network adapter as a bridge or access point" uh little Taunya long after it seems that the use of J Connectify

Connectify by using Microsoft Virtual Miniport wireless network card and do not use the wireless adapter. You can still use the wireless adapter to connect to a wireless router and use the device Connectify of Wi-Fi hotspots without disturbing the other.

From now on no more difficult to share Internet access at home or a pension, you can connect to the Internet through your favorite Internet provider, and lives to make this request to friends or family can connect to your computer.

Oh, yes it can be a bit 'nie ignorant ideas, if you and your friends to go to the cafe offers free Wi-Fi cafe, but it applies only to a user in a single table, or even when you go to the Friends of in college who uses the Internet to use the same user student parent, can not automatically Kases internet, because you're not a student there, to win this so that you can ask Connectify temenmu next to you can not connect to the Internet using her laptop . Sounds good? J

Ok, then the author explains how this pangaturan Connectify, in this case the author access to the Internet using wireless network cards and then use Connectify mensharingnya.

1. After you download and install so Connectify provide a guide to the setting, the home page appears, simply click the Next button.

2. Then came the name of the web page, here is the network name Service Set Identifier (SSID) or simply the name of the access point. Type the SSID name of "Andec-Fi, then click the Next button.

3. Password page appears, password used to protect not just anyone can connect to jaringamu in order to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots in addition to knowing the SSID, you must also know the password. Enter the password "makanpagi" then click the Next button.

4. Connection Sharing page is here, must determine which network will be used for Internet access. Because the author uses to connect to a wireless router WLAN wireless adapter that you select and click the Next button.

5. Complete page appears, select the hot spot home after closing the wizard to enable Wi-Fi Hostpot directly, then click the Next button.

6. Connectify views on the mark with the Stop button active hotspots, like the image below

7. Well, after hotspots Wi-Fi connection to go to the client PC trying to connect. Click on the set of network as shown in figure below, the access points Wi-Fi wireless Andec already recognize. For Andec conn-Fi and click the Login button.

8. Page follow the security key, enter the password "makanpagi" that we have at first, then click the OK button.

9. Depending on the set of network, you can see that you have successfully connected to Andec-Fi. Trying to access the internet may try to surf the Internet.

10. OHA yes, if you have computers that connect to your Wi-Fi, which will be exposed to clients connected ... as shown in the picture below. This way you can know who I am connecting to Wi-Fi-mu-J

Creating a Home Media server itself with Windows 7

Entertainment has become a necessity of life for all, when the day tired, they need entertainment, activity, most can not get them to come releks. One of the fun of listening to music or watching movies. Once inside the family home, or more computers and gaming machines can be placed in files such as music, pictures and videos in an easily accessible place.

The place is also called the Home Media Server, Home Media Server also can be a device or computer is in a Home Media Server. In Indonesia Devices Home Media Server is still very unusual competition, which was probably caused by a lack of popularity of these devices or stores that sell still very rare. Home Media Server devices are sold without being accompanied by a hard disk, because the price becomes the following reason people are reluctant to purchase and prefer to use the computer as a Home Media Server.

A nice feature of Windows 7 is the ability to stream digital media between computers. You can make a good video streaming, music, pictures or other digital media. Streaming is not only accessible from computers, but can also be accessed from a Playstation console and XBOX seterti Thurs. So if you use a normal computer can create its own Home Media Server device again why would you buy?

To be able to stream video, music or images on Windows 7, we have to run Windows Media Player. In addition to Windows Media Player version I use in this article is version 12, which is inherited from Windows 7. In addition to streaming melakuakn follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Media Player Start - All Programs - Windows Media Player.

2. Kemudain and allows streaming over the icon and select Stream media HomeGroup ....

Group home is a network settings auction computer users at home. If the network settings are typically used to authenticate the user, but in this family home, using a password, which should be included in HumeGorup you must know the password first. If you want to know more about home networking group, you can visit the following link

3. Then click on What is a network location?

The main requirement is the location of network Home network Home Network Group should

4. Then select your home network.

5. Then click the Stream check Allow remote reader of my ...

and to allow devices to automatically play the media ...

6. Leave the Remote Control window, select Allow remote Contrel network.

7. Now you are ready to move to another computer

check if the division was successful.

8. Open Windows Media Player on another computer.

9. Search other libraries have found Andec a new library, a library share the results of the computer server.

10. Then you can go to the folder of music or videos and try to run any of the files

11. You can also use the video streaming from remote PC

server to another computer. But first you must activate the option to allow the player .. the destination computer.

Right-click on a video, the second in recent piliha piliha LAB.

12. The window appears as shown below.

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