Thursday, March 24, 2011

how the list of tariffs telkom speedy internet connection / ADSL TELKOMSpeedy

TELKOMSpeedy or Telkom Speedy is a telecom service in terms of high-speed Internet access at a very expensive compared to developed countries the Internet is very cheap prices and super fast.
Telkomsepeedy using ADSL technology / Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line which uses a home phone line network which gives a chance telecoms specifically separate from our home phone. To use the speedy telkom adsl telebih we are required to register in advance to get a new phone number specifically adsl. Telkom speedy bill payments will be reunited with our old home phone bill.
Modems are used rather than ordinary dial-up modems because they have to wear a special modem dial-up modems that are expensive dibandingakan instant telkomnet regular home phone. To register your speedy telkom will be confused with the bureaucracy and the exhausting system (based on the mailing list). You will be required to meet various requirements documents and payment. Telkom really should have a much stronger competitor. Your computer is at least Pentium II and 64 mb ram.
To register you may go to telkom speedy or contact:
- Plasa Telkom nearest
- Calls to Telkom 147 / Contact Centre Telkom
- SMS to: 0811-114 147 (type: regspeedyno.telp ride contact person)
- Form Website:, select menu List, then fill out the form.
Adsl modem if you buy from Telkom you do not need anymore to be able to start setting internet connection. But if you buy from outside or a store you have to do a variety of settings that can create stress. Join mailing lists or user forums and ask telkom speedy as necessary. Good luck and good luck.
Rates TelkomSpeedy Newest / Most Popular:
Limited Internet Connection / Data Transfer Restricted:
- Home:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 300.000
Bandwidth / Data Transfer Monthly: 750 MB
Rates If More Than 750 MB: Rp. 700 per MB
- Professional:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 700.000
Bandwidth / Monthly Data Transfer: 2,000 MB
Rates If More Than 750 MB: Rp. 700 per MB
Unlimited Internet Connection / Unlimited Data Transfer:
- Unlimited:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 2.000.000
- Unlimited Warnet:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 3.000.000
Note: Bandwidth is calculated both download and upload / downstream and upstream


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