Sunday, September 18, 2011

instaling WINDOWS 7 & WINDOWS XP with USB

a few days ago I was looking for info how to install windows xp with a USB Flash Drive because there is a netbook advan-A1N Vanbook 7oT's friend who requested re-installed, because tu netbooks do not have a CD Drive and I do not have an external CDROM so the only way yes install via USB alias install windows without CD ROM.

As usual when looking for information on who often see only a set of blogs whose content is just abysmally ga collect search results or the results of liposuction from other blogs, I finally try looking through and certainly not looking for a tutorial in Indonesian because it is difficult ketemunya, even if the same content itu2 paling2 nemu aja and confusing.
Do not worry too long and too wide again akahirnya I found one car to install windows without the CD with the help WinSetupFromUSB.
How To Install Windows 7 or Windows XP without a CD With USB + WinSetupFromUSB

Here's an easy way to install windows without the cd using WinSetupFromUSB help, with this simple tool we can make the USB multiboot to XP or Win 7 etc., but because I just Flash Disk 4 GB I use interchangeably between win 7 and Windows XP.

     1. Download WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta7.exe
     2. Extract the file, then click WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta7.exe (no need to install)
     3. Insert the USB Flash Disk, then the input is also a CD Installer Windows 7 or Windows XP       
     4. See the picture below:

Once you determine the source of Windows 7 or Win XP, just click the "GO", you also already have completed a USB bootable to install windows xp or windows 7.
Once finished with the ledge above, selanjutanya you just change the boot order to USB through the BIOS, then boot and install windows as usual when you use the CD. Display when booting with a flash disk as shown below.

Choose to install win 7 no.2 (I happened to him to win seven, if I forget to select Windows XP no1 or 2:))

Maybe such info is already expired, but because when looking at very difficult and I found only blog2 ga clear, finally I made this article all make a reminder in case I forget later


Omer said...

Download link is not working

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