Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TOP 1 oli sintetik mobil-motor indonesia

Top 1 oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia merupakan pelumas yang sudah beredar di Indonesia sekitar 30 tahunan .Pada tahun 1974, pengakuan global terhadap negara Amerika Serikat sebagai produsen pelumas dengan kualitas terbaik di dunia, meyakinkannya untuk mendirikan sebuah perusahaan pelumas yang menawarkan pelumas kualitas tertinggi dari Amerika Serikat ke seluruh bagian dunia. Dan setelah melalui perjalanan proses panjang, akhirnya pada tahun 1979    TOP 1 Oil Products Company didirikan, dengan visi menyediakan pelumas berkualitas bagi konsumen di seluruh dunia. Setelah lebih dari 30 tahun berjalan, TOP 1 telah berkembang menjadi suatu organisasi yang jauh lebih besar, namun tetap berpegang pada visi awalnya. Semangat pantang menyerahnya menjadi Inspirasi & sikap optimis William A Ryan untuk berani bermimpi mengikuti visinya, dimana ketika 99% dari orang-orang mengatakan bahwa itu tidak akan mungkin terjadi, tetapi, ia telah membuktikan bahwa.TOP 1 Oil Products Company adalah eksportir terbesar pelumas “Synthetic” dari Amerika Serikat.

Termasuk Indonesia yang juga menjadi Negara pemakai TOP 1 oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia. Sebagai bukti TOP oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia sudah banyak meraih penghargaan di Indonesia di antaranya
·         Menerima Penghargaan ICLA (Indonesia Customer Loyalty Award) untuk pelumas motor dan mobil.
·         Menerima Penghargaan ICSA untuk pelumas motor.
·         Menerima Penghargaan Golden Brand untuk pelumas motor.
·         Menerima Penghargaan Super Brands.
·         Menerima Penghargaan MURI “Ganti Oli sepeda motor terbanyak di Yogyakarta.
·         Juara I Region kelas 4T 110 Seeded (MP1).
·         Juara I Region kelas 4T 110 Pemula (MP3).
·         Juara 4 Indonesia kelas 4T 110 Seeded (MP1).
·         Juara OMR Region 3 kelas 4T 110, 125 Seeded
·         Menerima Penghargaan IBBA untuk pelumas motor dan mobil
TOP 1 oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia memang sudah terbukti menjadi pelumas terbaik dan di akui di seluruh dunia .Makanya bagi pemilik motor dan mobil “GUNAKAN OLITOP 1 JANGAN YANG LAIN”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

free YOUTUBE converter

YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, share and view videos.
The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program.

Now I will discuss about the youtube media converter is used to convert video into mp3. youtube converter. Free YouTube to MP3 Converter contains no spyware or adware. It's Cleary free and absolutely safe to install and run. to download free youtube converter click here (DOWNLOAD)

Monday, September 19, 2011


Windows Vista is graphics-based operating system from Microsoft that is used on personal computers (PCs), both for home users and businesses, on a laptop computer, or media center.
Before Windows Vista was announced by name on July 22, 2005, the operating system is better known by the codename Longhorn (derived from the name of the Longhorn Saloon, a popular bar in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada).
Microsoft launched Windows Vista on 8 November 2006 to business users, and January 30, 2007 for home users. Thus, the launch of Windows Vista is located more than five years since the launch of Windows XP on October 25, 2001
computer specs for windows vista
According to Microsoft, the computer that can run Windows Vista are classified as "Vista Capable" and "Vista Premium Ready"
1. Computer "Vista Capable" requires a minimum 800MHz processor, 512MB of RAM, and graphics card with DirectX 9 class. However, this classification will not be able to support high-end Vista graphics, including the Aero interface.
2. Computer "Vista Premium Ready" requires at least a 1GHz processor, 512 MB
​​of RAM, and graphics card that is compatible with the Aero interface and a minimum of 128MB mendukum new WDDM.

Logo fitted with computers that are ready for Windows Vista (although configured for Windows XP
Vista Capable computers or the like, requires a minimum processor speed of 800 MHz, Memory 512 MB RAM and a graphics card that supports DirectX 9. Computers of this type are not capable of supporting high-end Vista graphics, including the Aero interface. By contrast Vista Premium Ready computer can support the feature "high-end" Vista however, required at least 1 GHz processor, 1 GB main memory, and graphics cards compatible with Aero with a minimum of 128 MB memory and support Windows Display Driver Model new.
Editions of Windows Vista

Windows Vista Starter
Much like Windows XP Starter Edition, this edition is still 32-bit technology, this edition is limited to local area, particularly as an alternative to the use of legal rather than pirated copies.
Users of this edition will be very limited use, for example, can only be to use three programs at the same time, restrictions on network connections, and physical memory is limited to 256MB.

 2. Windows Vista Home Basic
Like Windows XP Home Edition, with 64-bit technology, its also increase.
But not as much as the other editions, Home Basic is intended for home users who do not require higher facilities. The theme "Aero Glass" with transparent effects will not be included in this edition. Home Basic only supports up to 8GB of physical memory.

 3. Windows Vista Home Premium
Based on Windows Vista Home Basic, this edition has the additional support features higher segment devoted to home users, such as HDTV support and DVD menu creation.
Another addition is a lot more games, support for tablet and mobile computers, file encryption system, as well as photo management application. This edition is similar to Windows XP Media Center Edition and Tablet PC Edition. Home Premium supports up to 16GB of physical memory.

Windows Vista Busines
Comparable to Windows XP Professional, and intended for business users.
Media Center features of Home Premium is not included in this edition, but has facilities IIS web server, fax support, offline files, support for dual physical processor, Remote Desktop, collaboration, P2P, and able to handle up to 128GB of memory. Product activation is not required for this edition.

 5. Windows Vista Enterprise
This edition is intended for the enterprise segment, and is a high-level edition of the Business edition.
Additional features include a single-session version of Virtual PC, multilingual interface support, BitLocker Drive Encryption, and support for UNIX applications. This edition will not be available through retail or OEM channels, but through the Microsoft Software Assurance.

 6. Windows Vista Ultimate
This edition combines all features of Home, Premium, and Enterprise.
In this edition also added support for making podcasts (which is translated by Microsoft to be "Blogcasting"), program-enhancing gaming performance (WinSAT), DVD ripping facilities, and special online services for downloadable media, as well as additional customer service options. The Ultimate edition is intended as the most impressive edition of Vista, aimed at high-end users, gamers, multimedia professionals, as well as PC addicts. Such as Business and Enterprise editions, product activation is also not required.

screenshot WINDOWS 8

1. star menu

2. facebook

3. search menu

3. dekstop

4. versi 

to download windows 8 developer preview for 32bit/64bit/developer tools english 64bit click HERE

Sunday, September 18, 2011

instaling WINDOWS 7 & WINDOWS XP with USB

a few days ago I was looking for info how to install windows xp with a USB Flash Drive because there is a netbook advan-A1N Vanbook 7oT's friend who requested re-installed, because tu netbooks do not have a CD Drive and I do not have an external CDROM so the only way yes install via USB alias install windows without CD ROM.

As usual when looking for information on who often see only a set of blogs whose content is just abysmally ga collect search results or the results of liposuction from other blogs, I finally try looking through and certainly not looking for a tutorial in Indonesian because it is difficult ketemunya, even if the same content itu2 paling2 nemu aja and confusing.
Do not worry too long and too wide again akahirnya I found one car to install windows without the CD with the help WinSetupFromUSB.
How To Install Windows 7 or Windows XP without a CD With USB + WinSetupFromUSB

Here's an easy way to install windows without the cd using WinSetupFromUSB help, with this simple tool we can make the USB multiboot to XP or Win 7 etc., but because I just Flash Disk 4 GB I use interchangeably between win 7 and Windows XP.

     1. Download WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta7.exe
     2. Extract the file, then click WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta7.exe (no need to install)
     3. Insert the USB Flash Disk, then the input is also a CD Installer Windows 7 or Windows XP       
     4. See the picture below:

Once you determine the source of Windows 7 or Win XP, just click the "GO", you also already have completed a USB bootable to install windows xp or windows 7.
Once finished with the ledge above, selanjutanya you just change the boot order to USB through the BIOS, then boot and install windows as usual when you use the CD. Display when booting with a flash disk as shown below.

Choose to install win 7 no.2 (I happened to him to win seven, if I forget to select Windows XP no1 or 2:))

Maybe such info is already expired, but because when looking at very difficult and I found only blog2 ga clear, finally I made this article all make a reminder in case I forget later

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