Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Install Computer AutoCad in Windows XP, Vista, 7

Tips and tutorials on how to install AutoCAD on your computer / pc. Excess of AutoCAD is a precision profile of scale, we want to do. It is often the main architecture or AutoCad for engineering students to design a house or other.

Before installing AutoCAD on your computer / PC (in this case, I pointed out how to install the latest version of AutoCAD 2011), there are certain things that require our attention:

1. Computer Specifications / Recommended PC:

* Operating System: Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Professional, Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista ® Enterprise, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Professional, and Windows 7 Home Basic

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon, 3.0 GHz or greater or Intel or AMD Dual Core, 2.0 GHz or higher

* Memory: 2 GB of RAM or more

* Hard disk: 2 GB free hard disk space, not including installation

* 1280 x 1024 32-bit and 64-bit color video display

2. Turn off your antivirus software

3. Close all programs running in the installation phase of fast running
4. Cd-key/Produk Get the serial number and activation key can be used AutoCad AutoCAD Full

Steps to install AutoCad:

1. Run Installation Wizard AutoCAD (setup.exe), which is on CD or on your hard drive

2. Choose your language (language) Bahasa used to install and click Install the product

3. In the Select the product to install, materials checklists Autodesk Autocad 2011 and 2011 and click Next Library

4. On the license agreement, select I Agree and click Next

5. The user information and product content, information, and do not forget the contents of the serial number and part number, keygen. If you do not have a serial number or if you are crack AutoCad / AutoCad pacth select "I want to try this product for 30 days." Then click Next

6. Year to begin the installation, click Install, and when he asked to use the default configuration / settings, click Yes. Since the default, AutoCAD is installed on your computer. If you want to use in conjunction with AutoCAD, click Configure and select Network

7. Wait until the program finished installing AutoCad. If it is fast to close other programs, click Ignore.

8. Click Finish. AutoCAD has finished installing on your computer.

Note: If the crack activation code for Autocad. How to become cracknya Program Files must be downloaded when AutoCAD is installed. Usually C: Program files Autodesk AutoCAD 2011.

how to installing windows xp, vista and windows 7

Installing software in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 Even your basic guide for beginners, if the last article I discussed the printer driver installed on your PC Canon PIXMA ip / laptop. Now try to discuss the recovery of basic computer base.

As I said earlier, how to install Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 is designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn basic software installation. Why is it impossible, if each of us to install a program like Internet Download Manager, K-Lite Media Player Classic, Winamp, and other small programs must be installed on your computer maintenance costs tens of thousands of dollars, while the time install only briefly.

Although, in my opinion, is the right technician / handyman services and the right to have a computer for the price, but in reality was a little puzzled (tau jelir fun) on the team. Why not learn to install computer programs that were very simple, but steeled himself, plus some basic knowledge of Bahasa.

Before practicing how to install software. There is a principle we should take, ie, "do not be afraid any longer due to the fair to learn." If we are to learn how to install a computer program, here are some frequently asked questions when installing a computer program:

1. Choose the language

The point is to ask the language of the programs installed. Please select and click Ok Bahasa (Indonesian many programs are not yet available, except those manufactured in Indonesia smadav)

2. Welcome to the program blah blah blah (I mean the program is installed)

The second occurrence is usually only describes the features of the program. If I meet click Next, if you do not see then. wkwkwkwk

3. License Agreement

Views privileges of the creator of the program. If you have two options: "The aggregate / accept" and "I do not agree / Don 't accept" then I agree, so I agree with all the provisions applicable to the program. Next

4. Or, select Choose the installation location for the destination folder

The point is to ask how the setup program on your computer. Normally installan program will bring us to a folder that is used as a storage folder. To be sure, you usually "c: programfilesNama program that is installed." We can change the installation location by clicking Browse. If it is OK, click Next

5. Select Component

Ask for small / supporters of the program is installed. Checklist for installing and removing parts of the checklist / uncheklist programs that do not want to install. If you do not know the role of each component of the program, click the following as the default program is to select the components most frequently used programs.

There is also another option that shows the basic installation, full installation. For beginners are encouraged to choose the full installation and then click Next

6. Select Start

* Create a start menu / programs, the ability to display the Start menu,

* Create a startup option displays the program icon on the taskbar.

* Create a desktop icon or program on the desktop display.

The point is the choice to help us find the program. Checklist Uncheklist or item and click Next. For starters, all tercheklist then click Next.

7. The next option is to install the program. Just click install and wait until the installation is complete.

8. Full Install

Note that the program is installed. Click Finish on the last step.

The basic principle for installing the program, I was going to use all the small programs. Maybe do a little 'different when you install a photo editing program (Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCAD, etc.), video editing software (U-Lead Video Studio, Adobe Premiere, Pinacle studio, etc.) and Microsoft Office programs, which usually require a serial number. But if you use the serial number, so do not be afraid to write the serial number / crack / or keygennya.


Read phonetically

Friday, March 25, 2011

How to scan the disk flasdisk that can not be of the form

Flasdisk Scan Disk can not be in any form or check the disk is basically a command or Syntacta PC (computer) to check if the contents of the disk-like structure composed of the original file or not. (A similar DEPRAG times eh?). Scan Disk to restore disc function file2 registry entries in order to normalize, as when we put the file. So what is the need to scan the disk?

Often, copy files, but often do not copy or write to the disk. Often this is because the disk structure is chaotic. Through this analysis we can restore the structure of the disk to read and write to the disk back to normal.

This article is in response to a question asking how Arfi How to scan the disk flasdisk that can not be of the form. As soon as it begins. We assume that the partition F is the flash directory, which can not be of the form. (C = system, notebook D = E = CD Room, F = flasdisk that can not be in the form)

The steps are:

1. Right-click the partition F (flasdisk that may not be in the form)

2. Click Properties.

3. Display looks like this.
4. Click the Tab Tool (tool)
5. So it looks as follows:

6. Click Check now
7. Check the second check box (automatic fix file system errors, and scan for attemt recovery of bad sectors)

8. Click start ... and wait some time.

After the step - this step is usually stored in flasdisk file2 that can not be in the format will be back to normal in literacy can be longer (in the reformat).

adding RAM to flashdisc

Adding RAM to use flash for Windows Vista operating system are not unusual. Because the tools default Windows Vista here that allow the use of flash which can be defined as the amount of RAM. But for users of Windows XP, adding RAM using a flash is not necessarily performed. There are a number of things have to be prepared. The most important are:

* EBoostr software available

* Flash Memory Capacity GB from February to April. By default limit eBoostr Adding RAM to use the flash in capacities of 4 GB is recommended Flasdisk empty for adding RAM to use this flash.

* USB 2.0 slot on your PC or netbook. If your PC does not support USB 2.0 USB 2.0, you install the hardware first.

Here we will try to learn from adding RAM to flash. You should prepare for the addition of RAM to use the flash eBoostr is a first shock. Then follow the installation guide eBoostr and how to add RAM to use the flash then.

1. Extract the files to your PC eboostr.zip. May be in the D, or elsewhere.

2. Double-click or open the display eboostr.exe file looks like this: then click Run

eBoostr installation security warning

3. Shown as follows: then just click Next, then Next again, and the next time.

Wellcome install eBoostr

eBoostr language installer

sboostr destination file

how to overcome the slow windows

Normally, the windows of delay (from the computer operating system) has always been a problem for computer users, the reasons for slow transfer windows (operating system of the computer) are:

1. PROCESSOR too hot. need to know that the heat of the CPU slows down your computer, then, to notice the dust all over your computer and prevent FAN fan rotation.

2. Too many programs installed. Uninstall unnecessary programs.

3. Infected by the virus. Usually, the virus makes a computer's performance is very slow proposed to use a good anti-virus, and always updated (mainly PCs are often connected to the Internet)

4. Minimize the system tray (bottom right). Disable unnecessary startup, except against the virus.

5. The disk is full. The hard drive is too full, so the performance to go down, so I suggest to delete the files that are not used (recommended for drive C)

6. MAINBOAR (mobo) dusty. Do not underestimate the dust on the motherboard. Clean the compressor (pump air motor) and dust menhilankan. Do not use a cloth.

7. OFTEN not compatible shutdown procedure. The closure is essentially the lull PC (Windows) with the return of all processes of the function and the starting position. If we are forced to close because BadSector Mobile, Windows Error, and loss of driver pc file2.

8. Aspect of performance as priority. If your PC is not PC "good", select "Adjust for best performance", we can access from: Right click on My Computer>>>> click Advanced>>>> under menu click Performance Settings>>>> click Adjust for best performance

9. C necessary for the operation of the defragmentation. Scedule run Defrag (defragmentation schedule)

10. To overcome our internal masalah2 PC, use the Tune Up Utility

computer client spect

This package of services that we offer to customers. You can write a new price can vary depending on the exchange rate of the dollar. Price and quality of the computer, this is the last update that we are able and ready to stock first.

1. Oriented cafe game:

New price / New

AMD AM2 Athlon LE

Motherboard ECS GF 7050, 1 GB DDR II memory and powerful VGA Geforce 256 (price varies from Rp 2.200.000/unit).

or the most recent:

AMD 5200 + ECS nForce (prices ranging from Rp 2.700.000/unit)

According to Price

Athlon XP 2500/2600 (read speed 1.7 GHz)

80 GB hard drive, 1 GB DDR-I VGA 256 (the price varies from Rs 1.8 million)

2. Warnet-based navigation:

Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz with 1 GB DDR I and 80 GB hard drive and 128 MB VGA below (prices starting from Rp 1.6 million).

tips on choosing a computer server

These tips for determining the server computer, a coffee:

1. Select the server that is scalable and equipped with a large memory to enable sharing of resources (applications, printers, CD, data, Internet, etc.) quickly. For the processor is not a problem, either Intel or AMD.

2. Select the computer that is powerful, and its period of operation, as well as their components age. Buy a desktop PC is much cheaper than a computer that is designed to serve. The purchase of a real server even better, because this product.

3. Put in a good position and comfortable and safe to use. If I need to design space to minimize dust from entering the server location. Also look for people who are not interested can easily access the server location. Also note that the free servers around the magnetic field, electric field or the free vibration. Look For Smoke, too.

4. Buy a reliable UPS. Just do not trust you completely in the consumer electronics PLN. Electric shock or extinction within a short period of time, or other symptoms causing electrical damage to electronic equipment that must be wary. A little less than 5% imbalance can lead to results of the machine is running at 18% of normal.

5. Comes with a fan enough.

computer server spect

Spek Komputer Server

The server is divided into two types, namely the billing server (pencatatan waktu / cost), and networking servers,

management bandwidth.

1. The computer server hardware specifications of the billing system:

Intel Dual Core (2.6 GHz), tray

Motherboard ASUS P5 KPL AM SE (Astrindo)

V-Gen 2 GB DDR2 memory

Seagate 160 GB Hard Drive / WDC / Maxtor / Samsung SATA / IDE

Keyboard + mouse SIMBADDA

Housing SimbaddaSim-X / V, 350W + 2 CPU FAN

Wide Screen LCD LG 18.5 

Samsung DVD-Room Lite

Computer prices

2. Server hardware specifications for Networking:
Linux Server (Ubuntu Server + Squid Proxy Server):

Intel Dual Core (2.6 GHz), tray

Motherboard ASUS P5 KPL AM SE (Astrindo)

DDR2 2GB V-gene

20 GB hard drive SCSI 2 (second action dantergantung)

E-ATX Case + 2 CPU cooler

LAN Card adds 1 piece


Intel Pentium 4 (2.4 GHz) TRAY

Motherboard P4M945 AMTRON LM4

1 GB of DDR2 V-gene

Seagate / WDC / Maxtor 40GB IDE Type

E-ATX Case + 2 CPU cooler

Ethernet / LAN Card additional 1 pc

License Mikrotik Level 4

Thursday, March 24, 2011

comparison nvidia and ATI

Nvidia and ATI is the leading brand of graphics card. Often times we are confused which one is better than two brands. And the ends we choose hanay based on experience alone. If you are familiar with the use ATI ATI.
Very rarely there are those who are familiar with nVidia and then switch to ATI.
A simple example:
My friend is a designer who uses Blender is the software that runs on Linux Dimension say nVidia More friendly on Linux and on Windows in the appeal by ATI
While other people there also, say if you play the Game, must include the ATI without apparent reason, or I call with hereditary opinion.
As for my nVidia and ATI will still be the more expensive the better icon smile Which one is better nVidia or ATI
NVIDIA Corporation is a manufacturer of graphics processor company (graphics processing unit), graphics card, and media and communication tools for personal computers, and Sony's Playstation 3 game console. The most famous product of the NVIDIA GeForce series is used for playing computer games. NVIDIA main headquarters located on the highway San Tomas, Santa Clara, California. Latest Series NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 is already using the DirectX version 10. NVIDIA is the toughest rival company that issued the ATI Radeon series. In 2001, the company's revenue reached U.S. $ 1.37 billion and net income of U.S. $ 177.1 million.
ATI (ATI Technologies Inc.) is a designer and a major supplier of graphics processing unit and motherboard chipset. In 2006, the company was acquired by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and changed its name to AMD's Graphics Product Group, even so, the name still used ATI graphics cards to name them.
One of the most famous product is the Radeon series graphics cards are always competing with other graphics card company that issued the NVIDIA GeForce series.
ATI graphics card is also used in game consoles Xbox 360 and Nintendo

protect folders with password

Tutorial Windows7 this time is about creating a folder can be password security. This technique is very simple without the use of specific software.

The first step:

Create a folder anywhere you want to make it


D: \ Folder

hereinafter download files kunci.zip, kunci.BAT ekstak and put into the folder D: \ Folder earlier.

Step two:

Kunci.BAT Edit using Notepad, then part of my mark drawn below replace with your own password

 To show the way is to Double Click kunci.BAT back, enter the password in the command prompt that appears
 If appropriate, the private folder will appear again.

tips speed up windows xp, vista, 7

After a while you feel your windows system running slow? many things that might cause it, ranging from viruses, programs, settings, and so forth. but if the slowdown in the performance of your computer has begun to disrupt please try the steps below ini.1. Disable Startup programs
Startup programs are programs that will run automatically when the computer re-boot, start-up items more or do not want that can slow down your computer boots. if you are unsure about an item Strat-ups no problem disabling it, if all goes well let but if an error occurs return to the original settings.
to do so follow these steps:
open the run menu:
start> run> then typing msconfig and press enter.
In the System Configuration Utility window click on the Startup tab.
you need to do next is just to uncheck (remove the check mark) on items that are not in want. items such as realmedia, quicktime and the like do not need. not recommended to disable your antivirus.
You are then prompted to restart your computer, restart when completed in the window that appears check the "dont show ...." and then press ok.
2. Get rid of Spyware, Adware, and Malware
Is your computer is in Scan Spyware, Adware, Malware and other pest programs? These programs can reduce the performance of your computer drastically. if you have not done a scan you should use a free anti-spyware like spyware terminator.
3. Optimize your display settings
displaying all the visual effects will take some resources (resources) of your computer. to optimize:
right click on my computer> select propertiesor it could also start> control panel> system
then click on the Advanced tab
Performance box click settings
missing his mark centanga at all except "Show shadows under menusShow shadows under mouse pointerShow translucent selection rectangleUse drop shadows for icons labels on the desktopUse visual styles on windows and buttons
if it is click OK.
4. Mepercepat browse filesMunkin anyone noticed when we opened the windows explorer there is little delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers every time you open Windows Explorer. to accelerate the speed of browsing the file:
open windows explorer> tools menu> folder options
on the view tab, remove the check mark on the Automatically search for network folders and files
click OK
5. Setting the Page File size
By default the Page file size is not fixed. Windows must change its size each time more space is needed. and this takes PC performance. so its best to limit the amount the page file, follow these steps:
Right-click My Computer> select properties
click on the Advanced tabclick on the Settings button in the Performance sectionclick the Advanced tabVirtual Memory section click Change tomnol>click the C: drive (or another drive where the page file is stored)>select Custom Size, and input the same values ​​for Initial size and Maximum size
if you have less than 512MB of RAM, let the pagefile in the default size. if you have 512MB RAM or more, change the ratio of 1:1 between the size of page file withthe size of physical memory (real memory).
click Set, then OK
6. Service that does not turn off the system in need
click Start> Run>typing msconfig then enter.select the tab services.then remove the check mark on:
Indexing service, this service indexes all data on the hard drive to speed up the search process. for those of you who rarely perform file searching just turn off this service.
Error reporting service, this service only displays a message that a program error and asks whether to notify the error to microsoft or not.
TCP / IP NetBIOS helper, if you do not connect kejaringan maikan just this service.
Remote registry, allowing remote users change the registry on your computer, turn off this function also improved its security of your windows.
Remote desktop, for those who do not use the remote just turn off this function.
Secondary Logon, if your computer has only one user just turn off this service.
System restore, note the changes on your windows and more not to use.
Portable media serial number, if you do not have this type of media just turn off.
security center, the service which was launched since XP sp2 which monitors whether the anti-virus, firewall, or automatic updates run smoothly
automatic updates, automatic windows update for those who use pirated windows turns aja.
wireless zero configuration, for those who do not use the wireless connection just turn off this service
windows time, to synchronize time on your computer with the network, just turn off.
Fast user switching
system event notification
if it is press ok and restart, when finished restart check the "dont show .." and press ok.
7. Uninstall unused programsgo to start> ControlPanel> Add or remove programs>
then uninstall programs that you rarely use or never use.
8. Clean the registry of useless registers
to do this much more easily using a special program, you can use the free program CCleaner or Advanced care system. I had a little talk about the influence of the amount of data and hard drive performance in a post about Ultimate Defrag (or have not you?), yes already skip, with a clean hard disk system can work faster because the files are more likely to get the faster the hard drive. There are two ways one hand, that one use the program. if you use the freeware programs can use an advanced system of care.
to the manual:right click on the hard drive> select Properties> General tab> click on disk cleanup
select a check in the files that were deleted and press next.
9. Registry Defrag
after registry cleaner is time for me to make it more compact it Lansing and faster computer performance. same as above, using freeware such as advanced care system for doing this. defrag easy it was to reconstruct the sequence data is a mess on your hard disk sectors, with neatly arranged data data reading process will be faster. to do so can use the default Windows tools or other programs like Ultimate Defrag 2008.
to use the default Windows tools:start> all programs> accesories> system tools> disk defragmenter
select the drive, click Analyze to see the degree of fragmentation of data, or defragment your drive to defragment.
10. Enable Direct Memory Access (DMA)right click on my computer> select properties> click hardware tab> click device manager button>
pili in device manager IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers> and then double-click on Promary IDE Channel (depending on the position of your hard drive on motherboard)>In the Advanced Settings tab to change the transfer mode to "DMA if available 'and then click ok.
hah, has been finished. long dah do not make a long post like this .. hopefully useful and successful greeting.

8 tweaks for Windows XP

1. Turn off / Disable Indexing ServicesIndexing Services is a small program but using a fairly large computer memory. Sometimes it can disrupt the computers become more noise or sound within the hard disk access. Function Indexing Services is to update the list of computer files, in order to speed up PC performance with a system of registration of the index file. If you do not need search a file too often, Indexing Services can be turned off with:
Go to StartClick SettingsClick Control PanelDouble-click Add / Remove ProgramsClick the Add / Remove Window ComponentsUncheck the Indexing servicesClick Next

2. Optimise Display Settings by lowering the level of imageWindows with cool desktop look really attractive. But too many of the visual items can waste system resources. To turn off:
Go to StartClick SettingsClick Control PanelClick SystemClick the Advanced tabIn the Performance tab click SettingsLeave only ticked the Following:Show shadows under menusShow shadows under mouse pointerShow translucent selection rectangleUse drop shadows for icons labels on the desktopUse visual styles on windows and buttons
3. Speedup Folder Browsing or speed up a folder browserEvery time you open a folder browser, it looks a little lag or delay. Karen Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you open Windows Explorer. To fix you can disable the facility by:
Open My ComputerClick on the Tools menuClick on Folder OptionsClick on the View tab.Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check boxClick ApplyClick OkReboot your computer
4. Improve system memory
Cacheman or cache manager software to help improve the management of memory as disk cache settings and a number of settings for the computer.
Go to Show Wizard and select AllRun all the wizards by selecting Next or Finished Until you are back to the main menu. Use the defaults unless you know exactly what you are doingExit and Save CachemanRestart Windows
5. Optimise your internet connection
Use software http://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe / TCP / IP Optimizer. Install the program and select the setting speed internet connection such as a modem or broadband in a number of KBPS. Click the network adapter and select the interface connection, and then optimize the settings automatically for TCPoptimizer. Do not forget to restart your computer
Download and installClick the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed ​​(Kbps)Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to the connect to the InternetCheck Optimal Settings then ApplyReboot
6. Run BootVis - Improve Boot Times
This software helps some settings in Windows. You just download and try to do the trace, then the program will try several times to completion and lakuka settings reboot. Below is a description for BootVis software and its usage:
Download and RunSelect TraceSelect Next Boot and Driver TraceA Trace Appear earnest repetitions screen, select Ok and RebootUpon reboot, BootVis will from automatically start, analyze and log your system's boot process. When it's done, in the menu go to Trace and select Optimize SystemReboot.When your machine has rebooted Wait Until you see the Optimizing System box Appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete
7. Remove the Desktop Picture / dispose the image on your desktop
The back of the Windows desktop is generally given as a background image. Should not be used because it will slow down the computer operating system.
Right click on Desktop and select PropertiesSelect the Desktop tabIn the Background window select NoneClick Ok
8. Remove Fonts for Speed, remove unnecessary fonts
When you need the font on the computer, this method should not be used. But if you do not need the font, try to check if the computer has too many fonts. Because some programs that use the font will do the loading on a very large font. You can backup the file names of your fonts while not in use. Then you remove the font file that does not need to:
Open the Control PanelOpen Fonts folderMove fonts you do not need to a temporary directory (eg C: \ FONTBKUP?) Just in case you need or Want To bring a Few of Them back. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will from the gain.

10 tips on caring for your computer

Prevention is better than cure, like that proverbial mention. What it means is that prevention in the beginning will minimize (or even eliminate) losses / impact than when we have to heal because it was exposed. This adage also applies to komputer.Komputer be slow or become a breeding virus one of the reasons is due to the use of the wrong habits of us so that computers become more vulnerable.
Here are 10 tips that we can apply so that our computer becomes more healthy:
10. Do not be too frequent use of peer network
Although the network Peer-to-peer (P2P) is an easy and quick way to exchange files with users around the world but also P2P networks can be a fast way to spread the virus around the world. So if we are still going to use P2P networks then make sure its safety first.
9. Reinstall
Do not ever stop trying, saying that we often hear that apply also when we install a software. When we did not work properly install a software then you should not be forced. Rehatlah goods back for a moment and read the installation instructions are usually already available. Then delete the installation files that already exist in the system and then (recommended using Revo Uninstaller) reinstall again.
8. Beware of hard disk management
Hard disk filled to some extent will affect overall system performance and ideally are we leaving one-third of the total free space of hard disk space we have. Start thinking to replace new hard disk with a capacity greater than or buy an external hard disk and then move the files we get there.
7. Restart your computer
It may sound like something stupid, but by restarting the computer is proven to solve the problem. The longer a system runs the more information that remains in memory and that's what makes the system become slow and even in many cases can lead to crashes.
6. Mendefragmen routinely
Defragment your hard disk is an important job, which not only can provide more space on the disk but also increase the period of his life. So start regularly defragment your hard disk for computer system performance is maintained.
5. Avoid alpha and beta versions
Version Alpha, Beta and Release Candidate deliberately made and intended for developers (developers) to test how stable the software that is made of how vulnerable the system or any security software, so for most users it is better to postpone the use of alpha and beta software versions to avoid of the problem.
4. Empty battery
One way to increase the battery life is to pull out after being used until empty and then settling for a few hours or maybe a full day, then reinstall and chass fully. In addition to extending battery life, this way can also help save the environment because the battery can last longer.
3. Security applications
Using the application is not safe to open ourselves to different problems. The weakness of the application is the number one object of attack to the computer, and for this we immediately patch the applications on our computers with the latest updates and remember to update it directly from the official website.
2. Patch
The software maker issued a patch routine both for applications and operating system and was done so that the user avoid the problem. Patch fix all problems ranging from system performance problems, stability until the security problem. So do not forget to regularly patch our operating systems and applications.
1. Security software
Surf the web without any security software such as exploring the area now snow without a coat. How important that security software should be installed after you install the operating system. Security software could include antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc.. And also make sure the security software from a company who can be trusted.

windows xp how to install OS on laptop

Maybe a bit of information will help for owners of Acer laptop output in 2007 up to now. Meinstall the latest Acer laptop with Windows Vista OS there is little difference by installing OS Windows XP. Today software development experience marked improvement with the presence of the Windows Vista operating system that presents vitur-Vitu more complete.
Nevertheless there are still many users who tend to Windows XP operating system that are considered simple, not extravagant memory, faster loading and other users who are reluctant berlaih to the Windows Vista operating system. Given the Acer laptop vendor that issued the latest release refers to operating system Windows Vista with default bios settings which, if the user does not change the settings on the bios would have a hard time to install Windows XP then I submit the information in question.
The way before installing Windows XP, users must change the BIOS settings at startup by users must be signed usually by pressing Del, F2, depending on the type of laptop. Once the user is in a position bios / cmos settings users looking for Raid or SATA (similar etc.) and then change to the HDD then save the new settings and exit. Users now can mengintall Windows XP on Acer’s latest laptop.
Similarly, little information can I say hopefully help, thanks.

the steps to copy data to CD

There are times when we want to move the contents of the file on the disk / hd our computer to another medium which is easier and flexible can be used everywhere, cheap and durable.
CD and DVD is the medium that is currently widely used as a medium of data. The difference between a CD with the DVD is on the number of data that can fit inside the plastic pieces. DVDs can be charged up to 4.7 GB and a CD up to 670 MB. Capacity storage medium may be even greater if the number of sides and layers in the medium was changed. The more layers diganakan side or the greater the data that can be loaded on the cd pieces.
Requirements for copy or bekap data into a CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD + R is as follows below:
- CDRW / DVDRW drive
- Medium CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW blank except RW
- Software CD / DVD Burning
- PC / Laptop / Etc
Steps Burn Files to CD / DVD:
1. Ensure Burning Software and CDRW or DVDRW drive is installed properly.
2. Insert a blank CD or DVD in your drive CDRW or DVDRW
3. Run special software to burn files to cd / dvd is empty.
4. Highlight and recap the files that will be used in burning software. When finished run the burn.
5. Remove and let cool cd / dvd after completion.
- There could be a possibility that the failure of coffee that makes you burn the medium can no longer be used (except rw).
- Make sure that the burning software before burning is not wrong. select the drive that can burn (not the image recorder).
- You can create image files by selecting the settings on setingannya image recorders. Use and function of the image file is a shape that only 1 file the result of combining many files. Moreover, it can also run like a cd with a program or software image like d-tools / daemon tools.

how the list of tariffs telkom speedy internet connection / ADSL TELKOMSpeedy

TELKOMSpeedy or Telkom Speedy is a telecom service in terms of high-speed Internet access at a very expensive compared to developed countries the Internet is very cheap prices and super fast.
Telkomsepeedy using ADSL technology / Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line which uses a home phone line network which gives a chance telecoms specifically separate from our home phone. To use the speedy telkom adsl telebih we are required to register in advance to get a new phone number specifically adsl. Telkom speedy bill payments will be reunited with our old home phone bill.
Modems are used rather than ordinary dial-up modems because they have to wear a special modem dial-up modems that are expensive dibandingakan instant telkomnet regular home phone. To register your speedy telkom will be confused with the bureaucracy and the exhausting system (based on the mailing list). You will be required to meet various requirements documents and payment. Telkom really should have a much stronger competitor. Your computer is at least Pentium II and 64 mb ram.
To register you may go to telkom speedy or contact:
- Plasa Telkom nearest
- Calls to Telkom 147 / Contact Centre Telkom
- SMS to: 0811-114 147 (type: regspeedyno.telp ride contact person)
- Form Website: divre2.telkomspeedy.com, select menu List, then fill out the form.
Adsl modem if you buy from Telkom you do not need anymore to be able to start setting internet connection. But if you buy from outside or a store you have to do a variety of settings that can create stress. Join mailing lists or user forums and ask telkom speedy as necessary. Good luck and good luck.
Rates TelkomSpeedy Newest / Most Popular:
Limited Internet Connection / Data Transfer Restricted:
- Home:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 300.000
Bandwidth / Data Transfer Monthly: 750 MB
Rates If More Than 750 MB: Rp. 700 per MB
- Professional:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 700.000
Bandwidth / Monthly Data Transfer: 2,000 MB
Rates If More Than 750 MB: Rp. 700 per MB
Unlimited Internet Connection / Unlimited Data Transfer:
- Unlimited:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 2.000.000
- Unlimited Warnet:
Activation: Rp. 150,000 lump sum
Subscription: Rp. 3.000.000
Note: Bandwidth is calculated both download and upload / downstream and upstream

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