Thursday, March 24, 2011

windows xp how to install OS on laptop

Maybe a bit of information will help for owners of Acer laptop output in 2007 up to now. Meinstall the latest Acer laptop with Windows Vista OS there is little difference by installing OS Windows XP. Today software development experience marked improvement with the presence of the Windows Vista operating system that presents vitur-Vitu more complete.
Nevertheless there are still many users who tend to Windows XP operating system that are considered simple, not extravagant memory, faster loading and other users who are reluctant berlaih to the Windows Vista operating system. Given the Acer laptop vendor that issued the latest release refers to operating system Windows Vista with default bios settings which, if the user does not change the settings on the bios would have a hard time to install Windows XP then I submit the information in question.
The way before installing Windows XP, users must change the BIOS settings at startup by users must be signed usually by pressing Del, F2, depending on the type of laptop. Once the user is in a position bios / cmos settings users looking for Raid or SATA (similar etc.) and then change to the HDD then save the new settings and exit. Users now can mengintall Windows XP on Acer’s latest laptop.
Similarly, little information can I say hopefully help, thanks.


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