Thursday, March 24, 2011

comparison nvidia and ATI

Nvidia and ATI is the leading brand of graphics card. Often times we are confused which one is better than two brands. And the ends we choose hanay based on experience alone. If you are familiar with the use ATI ATI.
Very rarely there are those who are familiar with nVidia and then switch to ATI.
A simple example:
My friend is a designer who uses Blender is the software that runs on Linux Dimension say nVidia More friendly on Linux and on Windows in the appeal by ATI
While other people there also, say if you play the Game, must include the ATI without apparent reason, or I call with hereditary opinion.
As for my nVidia and ATI will still be the more expensive the better icon smile Which one is better nVidia or ATI
NVIDIA Corporation is a manufacturer of graphics processor company (graphics processing unit), graphics card, and media and communication tools for personal computers, and Sony's Playstation 3 game console. The most famous product of the NVIDIA GeForce series is used for playing computer games. NVIDIA main headquarters located on the highway San Tomas, Santa Clara, California. Latest Series NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 is already using the DirectX version 10. NVIDIA is the toughest rival company that issued the ATI Radeon series. In 2001, the company's revenue reached U.S. $ 1.37 billion and net income of U.S. $ 177.1 million.
ATI (ATI Technologies Inc.) is a designer and a major supplier of graphics processing unit and motherboard chipset. In 2006, the company was acquired by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and changed its name to AMD's Graphics Product Group, even so, the name still used ATI graphics cards to name them.
One of the most famous product is the Radeon series graphics cards are always competing with other graphics card company that issued the NVIDIA GeForce series.
ATI graphics card is also used in game consoles Xbox 360 and Nintendo


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