Thursday, March 24, 2011

the steps to copy data to CD

There are times when we want to move the contents of the file on the disk / hd our computer to another medium which is easier and flexible can be used everywhere, cheap and durable.
CD and DVD is the medium that is currently widely used as a medium of data. The difference between a CD with the DVD is on the number of data that can fit inside the plastic pieces. DVDs can be charged up to 4.7 GB and a CD up to 670 MB. Capacity storage medium may be even greater if the number of sides and layers in the medium was changed. The more layers diganakan side or the greater the data that can be loaded on the cd pieces.
Requirements for copy or bekap data into a CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD + R is as follows below:
- CDRW / DVDRW drive
- Medium CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW blank except RW
- Software CD / DVD Burning
- PC / Laptop / Etc
Steps Burn Files to CD / DVD:
1. Ensure Burning Software and CDRW or DVDRW drive is installed properly.
2. Insert a blank CD or DVD in your drive CDRW or DVDRW
3. Run special software to burn files to cd / dvd is empty.
4. Highlight and recap the files that will be used in burning software. When finished run the burn.
5. Remove and let cool cd / dvd after completion.
- There could be a possibility that the failure of coffee that makes you burn the medium can no longer be used (except rw).
- Make sure that the burning software before burning is not wrong. select the drive that can burn (not the image recorder).
- You can create image files by selecting the settings on setingannya image recorders. Use and function of the image file is a shape that only 1 file the result of combining many files. Moreover, it can also run like a cd with a program or software image like d-tools / daemon tools.


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