Friday, March 25, 2011

computer server spect

Spek Komputer Server

The server is divided into two types, namely the billing server (pencatatan waktu / cost), and networking servers,

management bandwidth.

1. The computer server hardware specifications of the billing system:

Intel Dual Core (2.6 GHz), tray

Motherboard ASUS P5 KPL AM SE (Astrindo)

V-Gen 2 GB DDR2 memory

Seagate 160 GB Hard Drive / WDC / Maxtor / Samsung SATA / IDE

Keyboard + mouse SIMBADDA

Housing SimbaddaSim-X / V, 350W + 2 CPU FAN

Wide Screen LCD LG 18.5 

Samsung DVD-Room Lite

Computer prices

2. Server hardware specifications for Networking:
Linux Server (Ubuntu Server + Squid Proxy Server):

Intel Dual Core (2.6 GHz), tray

Motherboard ASUS P5 KPL AM SE (Astrindo)

DDR2 2GB V-gene

20 GB hard drive SCSI 2 (second action dantergantung)

E-ATX Case + 2 CPU cooler

LAN Card adds 1 piece


Intel Pentium 4 (2.4 GHz) TRAY

Motherboard P4M945 AMTRON LM4

1 GB of DDR2 V-gene

Seagate / WDC / Maxtor 40GB IDE Type

E-ATX Case + 2 CPU cooler

Ethernet / LAN Card additional 1 pc

License Mikrotik Level 4


HealthTips said...

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